Thursday, January 30, 2020

Compare the Ways the Distinctively Visual Is Created in Run Essay Example for Free

Compare the Ways the Distinctively Visual Is Created in Run Essay Compare the ways the distinctively visual is created in Run Lola Run and in one other related text of your choosing. Distinctively visual texts aim to manipulate the way we explore and interpret the images we see. Critically affecting the way we make interpretations of the experiences we encounter in the world. The distinctively visual represented in Run Lola Run by Tom Tykwer and the Dove Artificial Time Lapse are similar in some elements. Run Lola Run has multiple distinctively visual features throughout the film, but the Dove ad on the overhand has a few techniques or elements thrown into a 2minute short film. Through Tom Tykwer 1998 film Run Lola Run, he presents visual images and reflects the dominance of post modernism in popular culture at the same time. He has included in the film a set of themes/ideas, which characterise the cultural context: e. g. is Fate versus freewill. The colour red appears throughout the film, as a motif representative of different emotions and ideas central to the film’s core message. Red suggests a sense of passion and freedom from inhibition, quintessentially by Lola’s vivid hair. The colour of Lola’s hair makes her distinctive as the protagonist of the film, as well as symbolising her attitude of defiance towards authority and her individualism. Another motif is circles and spirals in the film, they have been incorporated throughout the film, from the various extreme close ups of clocks to the logos upon buildings and personnel uniforms. Further examples include: the Mercedes benz insignia, the various rings that Lola wears around her fingers, the Bolle sign on the wall behind the phone booth where Manni waits for Lola and the spinning spiral at the Spirale Bar. These circles all symbolises the film’s central message that life is circular and cylical; endings are new beginnings and beginnings mark the end of that which came prior. The image of the spiral is used in the film to represent confusion and desperation as well as the interplay between Fate and our own Free will. For instance, a spiral is used to convey Manni’s confusion about the events of the day prior the call to Lola while he is outside the Spirale Bar. This function as a visual metaphor for the idiom â€Å"his life is spiralling out of control†, a potent reminder of the consequences born of bad decision making or apathy about the outcome of one’s existence. In my related text the Dove Artificial Time Lapse it looks our how the media and we deceive beauty. The ad shows a girl who just looks normal nothing special but is turned into a model by the use of different techniques. Lighting is a key element used during the ad. The beginning when the girl comes in and takes a seat they have used low-key lighting to introduce the subject to the viewer. Once the change begins to the girl the lighting changes, high-key lighting is used to highlight the subject as the transformation happens. Another technique used is movement; this refers to the movement of actors or objects known as kinetics, the movement of the camera and the mechanical distortion of movement. The ad has included mechanical distortion and multiple freeze frames or snap shots of a change in appearance to the girl. They have created this by taking multiple photos to show the motion of the clip at a faster pace. By looking at these two texts you can point out the distinctively visuals created by the themes and motifs found in Run Lola Run and The Dove Artificial Time Lapse. They have incorporated many visual techniques to show both these films; although they are two completely different films you can see the similarities between them.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Importance of the Scaffold in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: free essay writer

  The Importance of the Scaffold in The Scarlet Letter   Since the beginning of time humans have had to confront their sinfulness. Some rely on religious faith to help with the struggle against sin while others add to their sins by lying to hide other sins. In the end, man must stand alone – as a sinful creature before God. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale struggles with his sin until he discovers the scaffold as a place to find peace with himself. That scaffold holds more importance than just somewhere to condemn prisoners. It is the one place where Dimmesdale felt liberated to say anything he wishes. In Puritan culture, the scaffold is used to humiliate and chastise prisoners, be it witches at the stake, thieves in the stocks, or a murderer hanging from the gallows. In The Scarlet Letter, the scaffold was viewed more as a place of judgment. â€Å"Meagre ... was the sympathy that a transgressor might look for, from such bystanders, at the scaffold.† (p. 63) Indeed, it was used for castigation, but it was also a place of trial: Hester’s trial was held at the scaffold. Standing upon the platform opens oneself to God and to the world. â€Å"They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendor, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets, and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another.† (p. 186) Being on the scaffold puts oneself in a feeling of spiritual nakedness- where you f eel exposed to God, but cleansed. It was the one place where Dimmesdale could find complete reconciliation.                Witnessing such an event as reconciliation is quite a fascinating experience. But without knowing what is going on, it can also be quite horrifying. â€Å"Without any effort of his will, or power to restrain himself, he [Dimmesdale] shrieked aloud: an outcry that went pealing through the night, and was beaten back from one house to another, and reverberated from the hills in the background; as if a company of devils, detecting so much misery and terror in it, had made a plaything of the sound, and were bandying it to and fro.† (pp. 178-9) Indeed, the townsfolk felt the latter. â€Å"Drowsy slumberers mistook the cry either for something frightful in a dream, or for the noise of witches.†(p. 179) They did not understand that this was his reconciliation.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Ethical Issues in the Social Worker’s Roles in Pas

Review and Critique of â€Å"Ethical Issues in the Social Worker’s Role in PAS (Ameda A. Manetta and Jancie G. Wells, 2001) Tracy S. Robinson September 2010 (Ameda A. Manetta and Jancie G. Wells, 2001). Ethical issues in the social worker’s role in pas. Health ;amp; Social Work/ Volume 26, pg 3 Introduction The author’s focus was on ethical issues in physician assisted suicide and the role it plays amongst social worker’s. The author’s presented results of an exploratory study of social workers views on physician assisted suicide (PAS).In which social workers favored or not favor PAS and whether there is a difference in education or training on mental health issues, ethics, or suicide that may influenced their views as well. The involvement with PAS presents an ethical dilemma, which in this article refers to a situation in which social workers think they have no definitive guidelines for professional behavior. The article has current interest beca use it is important that social workers have been properly prepare and train to work with clients making end of life decision.Summary of the author’s main points Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study was to determine social workers views on physician assisted suicide (PAS). The study involved participant from three separate workshops on suicide that were presented by the first author. The study subsamples sixty-six social workers. The social workers either had a South Carolina social work license or a bachelor’s or master’s degree in social work. The participants recruitment where given a questionnaire that contained twenty-six questions, most of which required yes or no responses.The study focus on how these different elements guide social workers in making ethical decisions regarding intervention with clients. There were areas in the articles that mention how social workers had difficulties in doing that. Summary of literature review as presented by t he author. The study found that physician assisted suicide is one of the most frequently debated issues in American Society (Bachman et al.. , 1996; Foley, 1997). The study found that people are divide on the issues.It has brought arguments about preservation of life, autonomy, and self-determination of individual. This gives ethical and moral complicity of end life decision making. The study found that most social worker agrees that PAS should be reserved for people who are dying from terminal illness. However the other percentage that opposes argue that underutilization of narcotics for pain control leaves terminally ill patient in pain during the end of life as well. The finding for the arguments had little research conducted on the etiology of actual cases of PAS.Most of the available data is on suicide among individuals who acted alone. It has found that when people are experiencing personal difficulties or have lowered coping capacity, they are at risk of suicide. However term inally ill people are rarely suicidal, the author’s have shown studies that the main difference between terminally ill patient who become suicidal and those who don’t is the presence of clinical depression in the patients who are suicidal. Summary of ethical issues.There are some ethical dilemmas that occur when there is a lack of knowledge about state and federal legislation governing practice are sufficiently prepared to work responsibly with clients and family considering PAS. Some ethical issues arise when the lack of knowledge may have produced biased thinking in social workers projecting what they want in a situation onto their clients or client’s family. The instruments. The researchers used a questionnaire as their instrument in the study. The survey instrument contained twenty-six questions.The questions included demographic information on age, race, religion, and educational degree. Sampling techniques. There were a total of ninety-eight participants, including physician, psychologists, nurses, and social workers complete the questionnaire. The finding reported here based on a subsample of sixty-six social workers who either had a South Carolina social work license or a bachelor’s or master’s degree in social work. Methods of data analysis. The researchers used the statistical program for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyze the data.Descriptive statistics were calculated on demographic information. A chi-square analysis was used to determine if there were any statistical relationships between social workers who agreed and those who disagreed with PAS by whether they had universal courses, additional training, and knowledge of the PAS law of South Carolina. Data collection techniques. Participant’s recruitment occurred at three separate workshops on suicide. As attendees enter the workshop a questionnaire was administrated to ninety-eight participants. Summary of study findings.The author’s of this ar ticle had the following major findings: (a) that social workers in South Carolina are evenly divided about who supported PAS and who did not support it. (b) circumstances under PAS would be favored for reasons other than terminal illness, were two-thirds agreed with PAS if a person had terminal illness, compared with thirty-seven percentage. (c) majority of respondents stated that they had taken university courses or had additional training in the field of mental health, ethics and suicide. Relevance of the article to social work profession.Resolving ethical problems. The authors suggest obtaining information from social worker who works with a broad spectrum of clients would help in formulating policy. Since PAS and legacy of PAS are applicable to all populations. The authors in the article also suggest that legislation should set up some type of ethical practice by requiring that social workers be licensed in one of the three levels. And social workers only should practice in area s in which they have expertise and license in. Benefits of the article to social workers.The social workers may benefits from this article because it makes them more aware about PAS. It also benefits by informing social workers of the accountability of their action when assist clients and their families who request information about PAS. The article helps social workers want to get more inform about the policies related to PAS and how it would affect them has social workers. The article gave them a broader view of end of life decision from the narrow biomedical and single focus on self-determination to one that incorporates the core value of human rights. Critique and Personal Opinions.Critique. The article was relevant to social work practice. The article focused on the issues that needed to be address toward social workers roles in PAS. The authors identify the ethical dilemmas that social workers have been avoiding conflicts in the view of PAS. The research that was conducted was limited due to the fact of its small sample size, but the results of it confirm the need for more extensive research in the area of social work with PAS. Personal opinions. In my opinion I would have liked for the study to have been broader in their selection of participants.I think that there should have been a state wide study done. South Caroline shouldn’t have been the only sate involved in their study. I believe if they had more statistics it would have capture a broader view of what they were trying to get cross. I wonder if they had given the questionnaires at the end of the workshop they would have gotten a better response in data. Improving the study. In order to improve the study what would have been done differently? I think I would have included more workshops of suicide to pull more research from the study.The study was conducted with limitations in it. Those limitations of study did affect the calculation and results of the study. I would have liked the authors to have gone farther into the dilemmas that social workers have with avoidance of conflict. Conclusion. The article included valuable but limited information. The authors of this wanted to focus on the ethical dilemma that surrounded social workers with (PAS). The authors study did point out issues that needed to be address to help social worker want to make better ethical decision when it comes to dealing with end of life decision.This decision should be consistence with social worker values of protection of vulnerable populations in today’s society. The study also identifies the need for NASW to disseminate its professional policy statement to the profession and to broaden their views of end of life decision. I believe this is a great start that the authors brought forth in helping social workers down the path to end the ethical dilemma presented toward PAS.References (Ameda A. Manetta and Jancie G. Wells, 2001)

Monday, January 6, 2020

What Is the Empty Set in Set Theory

When can nothing be something? It seems like a silly question, and quite paradoxical.   In the mathematical field of set theory, it is routine for nothing to be something other than nothing. How can this be? When we form a set with no elements, we no longer have nothing. We have a set with nothing in it. There is a special name for the set which contains no elements. This is called the empty or null set. A Subtle Difference The definition of the empty set is quite subtle and requires a little bit of thought. It is important to remember that we think of a set as a collection of elements. The set itself is different from the elements that it contains. For example, we will look at {5}, which is a set containing the element 5. The set {5} is not a number. It is a set with the number 5 as an element, whereas 5 is a number. In a similar way, the empty set is not nothing. Instead, it is the set with no elements. It helps to think of sets as containers, and the elements are those things that we put in them. An empty container is still a container and is analogous to the empty set. The Uniqueness of the Empty Set The empty set is unique, which is why it is entirely appropriate to talk about the empty set, rather than an empty set. This makes the empty set distinct from other sets. There are infinitely many sets with one element in them. The sets {a}, {1}, {b} and {123} each have one element, and so they are equivalent to one another.   Since the elements themselves are different from one another, the sets are not equal. There is nothing special about the examples above each having one element. With one exception, for any counting number or infinity, there are infinitely many sets of that size. The exception is for the number zero. There is only one set, the empty set, with no elements in it. The mathematical proof of this fact is not difficult. We first assume that the empty set is not unique, that there are two sets with no elements in them, and then use a few properties from set theory to show that this assumption implies a contradiction. Notation and Terminology for the Empty Set The empty set is denoted by the symbol ∅, which comes from a similar symbol in the Danish alphabet. Some books refer to the empty set by its alternate name of null set. Properties of the Empty Set Since there is only one empty set, it is worthwhile to see what happens when the set operations of intersection, union, and complement are used with the empty set and a general set that we will denote by X. It is also interesting to consider subset of the empty set and when is the empty set a subset. These facts are collected below: The intersection of any set with the empty set is the empty set. This is because there are no elements in the empty set, and so the two sets have no elements in common. In symbols, we write X ∠© ∅ ∅.The union of any set with the empty set is the set we started with. This is because there are no elements in the empty set, and so we are not adding any elements to the other set when we form the union. In symbols, we write X U ∅ X.The complement of the empty set is the universal set for the setting that we are working in. This is because the set of all elements that are not in the empty set is just the set of all elements.The empty set is a subset of any set. This is because we form subsets of a set X by selecting (or not selecting) elements from X. One option for a subset is to use no elements at all from X. This gives us the empty set.